How to Make Your Egg Donor Search Less Stressful
by MyEggBankin Finding a DonorFebruary 26th, 2021
After much deliberation and a lot of testing, you’ve finally decided that the fertility option that’s best for you and your family-planning goals is using an egg donor. You’re about to embark on an amazing journey, but you’re also faced with yet another big decision — who will be your egg donor? We know that getting to this point was hard enough and that many people find the process of searching for an egg donor stressful or overwhelming. Here are a few tips to help guide your egg donor search.
1) Figure Out What Is Most Important to You
For many couples and individuals, finding donors with physical and personal characteristics that match their own is often a top priority. However, having too many checkboxes can limit your options, so to help broaden your search we recommend choosing only a few personal qualities that are the most important to you. For example, if you and everyone in your family are tall, blue-eyed, and dark-haired, you might want to pick only one or two of these traits as must-haves in your donor.
That said, DNA combination is a complex game, and there is never any guarantee that your child will carry your desired traits. Additionally, you will want to consider how a donor’s medical history might combine with your own, which can further limit the number of possible candidates. Therefore, the fewer criteria, the better.
2) Look for a Connection
Once you’ve found a few potential donors who meet your most important needs, follow your gut and choose a donor who resonates with you. While looking through profiles, try to get a sense of the donor’s personality. Could you be friends with her? Is this someone you can relate to?
Using an egg donor may not be how you envisioned growing your family, and this decision may carry a sense of loss or uncertainty. However, finding a donor you feel a connection to may help alleviate any anxieties you might have.
3) Reach Out for Help
Remember that it is OK if you feel that you are struggling. Experiencing infertility is an emotionally grueling challenge, and searching for an egg donor can be extremely overwhelming, so do not hesitate to ask for help. While friends and family members might have the best intentions, they won’t always be able to understand what you’re going through exactly unless they’ve been there themselves.
As an alternative, talking to people who have an intimate understanding of your circumstances, such as a licensed professional or a fertility support group for intended parents using an egg donor, can be immensely helpful. These support systems provide a great opportunity to navigate your feelings and learn new ways to overcome personal challenges.
MyEggBank Is Here for You
Our goal is simple — to help you become a parent. If you’d like to learn more about how we support those embarking on their search for an egg donor, contact us today.